MaryAnn – Billing Compliance Auditor

June 29, 2015

I have been struggling with putting into words what Dana Hamman and Foundation Coaching Group means to me. How do you describe a life changing experience as great as this? Well, I will do my best! I met Dana at the Life Enrichment Boot Camp 2 ½ years ago. I was truly impressed with Dana and her ability to work with people and help them conquer their struggles. When she offered a free session with her at Foundation Coaching I thought, “Why not? It’s free and I don’t have to go back.” Well little did I know what that one session would lead to! Yes I went back again and again! Dana approaches life’s situations from a totally different perspective than I have ever experienced. In the past I sat with a counselor and moaned, groaned, and got nowhere. Well not with Dana! We identified the situations or baggage as we call it, and spent very little time mulling over the negative. She took it a step further; she guided me to become a stronger happier person that left the baggage behind! She gave me guidelines to refer back to when I found myself slipping back into my old thoughts and habits. She truly played a very important part in changing my life! Dana, I will never be able to thank you enough for guiding me on this new path! You are a true blessing!


Billing Compliance Auditor

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