
Client Endorsements

Dana worked with me for 9 to 12 months as a Life Coach during a transition period in my life. Dana provided great insight into my past issues but more importantly how to learn from the past and move forward into a new life. Dana is a talented life coach bringing real world experience with a touch of spiritual guidance. My time with Dana allowed me to move into a better place understanding my own goals for the future. I would highly recommend her services.


Dana helped me tremendously understand that I was subconsciously reliving the same scenarios in my relationships. Her expertise and methods helped me get out of auto pilot and into a place where I was in control and making decisions in my relationships. Since then the drama has decreased and the fulfillment in my close relationships has increased. Professionally, Dana has helped me organize my thoughts and time into helping me remain objective and effective. She knows how to help people "find the cheese" when it's moved. I have recommended her to my employees and seen great results. Her background in sales and marketing makes her well qualified to help anyone get out of a professional slump.


Carla has been very helpful to me with her coaching services. She has been able to help me get focused on what is important to me now and what I see in my future. By working with Carla I was able to set some short term and long term goals for myself. Talking with a coach has proved to be a very positive experience and I am happy to recommend Carla and her coaching services.


When I first met Carla at The Life Enrichment Boot Camp, I felt she was a special person with a gift of genuine tenderness and wisdom. As I share with her a previous hurt from my life, I can actually see the compassion for me on her face. Within the first 2 weeks of individual coaching, she guided me to some real truths; where I was making decisions based on false assumptions. This knowledge that I applied made an immediate wonderful change in my marriage. I am so thankful for Carla and the ability to meet with her weekly as I search for that ultimate joy that I want back in my life.


I feel God sent me a guardian angel in my life coach Carla Cortner. Her coaching is helping making so many positive changes in my life. I have self-worth and self-esteem again. I am able to set and maintain healthy boundaries for the first time in my life. I am healing years of wounds and pain and forgiving those responsible. She seems just to know what I need when I need it, when to push me and when to lift me up with her words of encouragement and scriptures. At times it is hard emotional work but it is worth every tear I have cried. My sessions with Carla are by far the best investment I have ever made with the biggest rewards. I wish I had done this for myself many, many years ago. Thank you Carla and God bless you for giving of your time, your wisdom, your genuine caring heart and your love of God. You have changed my life.


I am a client of Carla Cortner. When I first heard about personal coaching, I couldn't imagine that there was much to it. After going through several coaching sessions, I was amazed. Carla’s coaching helped me to see myself in every area of my life and focused in on the areas where I needed help. Through coaching, she helped me to come up with a realistic plan and time frame to work on and fix the problem areas. I was also able to reach some goals and dreams that I had left sitting on a shelf somewhere in the future. My whole experience was like looking through a pair of binoculars where everything was in the distance and quite fuzzy. The coaching brought my life up closer and into focus so I could see my way clearly to change. Carla was a pleasure to work with and I am sure we will be working together many more times.


Dana is committed to partnering with people toward self-discovery and life purpose. She supports her clients to get “unstuck” and move forward in their lives with passion and clarity. I am continually inspired by Dana's deep insightful understanding and compassion while working with clients navigating through divorce or difficult life transitions. She has a natural ability to create a safe and trusting environment where you can just be the TRUE YOU. Her calm guidance will lead you to a new confidence and a love for yourself as you discover the life you've dreamed of living.


This past year I became emotionally crippled, frozen with a floundering business, acceptance of my Mother’s new Alzheimer’s diagnosis and new role as head-of-family fiscal planner. This didn’t even account for my existing baggage in tow. Dana helped me ‘uncork’ the stories I have been carrying with me since childhood so I could tackle new obstacles without those childhood filters that were holding me back. Throughout my work with Dana, I've found the understanding and acceptance, insight and compassion that I needed to surround me during this difficult juncture. She is one of the few people whom I trust today and while the journey is not an easy one, I have found her techniques, feedback, skills and overall whole-hearted-compassion for what she is doing to be comforting and reassuring. She is sure to make a safe haven for you to express your pain, hurt, thoughts and desires. If you're ready to take the steps needed to initiate your journey, take solace in knowing your partnership with Dana during the process is in very competent, open and trustworthy hands. She will stand in your corner beside you.


I have been struggling with putting into words what Dana Hamman and Foundation Coaching Group means to me. How do you describe a life changing experience as great as this? Well, I will do my best! I met Dana at the Life Enrichment Boot Camp 2 ½ years ago. I was truly impressed with Dana and her ability to work with people and help them conquer their struggles. When she offered a free session with her at Foundation Coaching I thought, “Why not? It’s free and I don’t have to go back.” Well little did I know what that one session would lead to! Yes I went back again and again! Dana approaches life’s situations from a totally different perspective than I have ever experienced. In the past I sat with a counselor and moaned, groaned, and got nowhere. Well not with Dana! We identified the situations or baggage as we call it, and spent very little time mulling over the negative. She took it a step further; she guided me to become a stronger happier person that left the baggage behind! She gave me guidelines to refer back to when I found myself slipping back into my old thoughts and habits. She truly played a very important part in changing my life! Dana, I will never be able to thank you enough for guiding me on this new path! You are a true blessing!


I first met Dana through my then, ex-husband, Dominic who had been through her Life Enrichment Boot Camp. He was so touched and inspired by what he learned about himself by going through the Boot Camp, that he began going to see Dana as a life coach. At this time, we had been divorced for two years, and he began to pursue me and desire reconciliation. He strongly encouraged us to go through the Marriage Boot Camp together, to which I agreed. It is at Marriage Boot Camp that I was first introduced to Dana, and immediately knew she was someone that would be a major influence in our life. She is so easy to talk to and has such a warm and friendly personality. We began going to see Dana together and separately for counseling in 2012. She coached us through some really difficult times! She laughed with us and cried with us. She was able to break through our very stubborn and selfish ways to get us to see how we could begin to work together in love and harmony and to break down the walls we had built up against each other over the many years of hurt. We had been to numerous other counselors over the years and, I admit, it was really hard to put my trust, my heart, and our story out there once again. But, we were able to find the best coach, friend, and mentor in Dana. She changed our lives and was the only one who could break through to us and coach us to victory, reconciliation, and reunion. We were just remarried this July 2014 and were able to bring our family back together again!! We learned what we needed and used the tools that Dana taught us to have a successful relationship. LOVE WINS! We could not have done this without you Dana!!


I still remember Dana's words from our first session years ago. "If you want someone to cry to about what happened to you when you were 4, I'm not your girl. But if you want someone to help you focus on what you want in life and sometimes even give you a kick in the butt to keep going after it, I'm your coach." And that is EXACTLY what I have needed, someone to coach me through the hard parts of life & inspire me to always be the best me. When I went through the darkest period of my life, Dana walked with me through making the hardest decisions in such a way that I was always proud of who I was, at peace & confident I was making right decisions for right reasons, instead of emotional decisions for wrong reasons. Her Foundation Coaching has done exactly that. It has helped me establish a very firm foundation in life. The skills & lessons she has taught me have helped guide me on a much happier path in life & in relationships. Living my best life! I'm forever grateful. My life is richer for knowing Dana Hamman.


Having a Life Coach is not an option. None of us have reached the potential God made us to be. Having a Coach to direct you and hold you accountable to reach your full potential. Lining up your gifts with who you are takes a life coach to get you there or get you there faster. Foundation Coaching has helped me as well as challenge me to become.


Cannot say enough great things, definitely helped me in my times of need when my world was falling apart! Helped to give me direction and new hope! Would highly recommend to anyone!

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