People, who know me, know I only hire the best, buy the best and aspire to do my best in everything. People who experience me up close and personal, see with their own eyes, that I like unique, special, and quality things surrounding me so, I am often asked “hey where did you get that” or “who do you know who can help me with ______?”

As coaches, we get asked for referrals weekly so I decided to create a new amazing resource, WEiNDORSE, where our clients, colleagues and friends could find the services, products and resources that WEiNDORSE, use and love!

I am a believer in promoting great businesses, entrepreneurs, amazing concepts, worthy causes, innovation, great service, useful items, creative people, great thinkers, people who make a difference and well, just all around brilliance in any form! Under this tab, you will find some of my favorite people and things.

These links will take you to some of the most amazing and unique sites, experiences, programs, products, authors, books and services I’ve found.

I hope you will explore and meet some amazing innovators from various walks of life! Some are people who have made an impression personally while others may have just created something amazing that I love! Whatever the case, I hope you enjoy!

Dana Hamman, CMCP
Executive Director

If you have a service or product that you would like listed on our site, please submit your request to WEiNDORSEsubmission@foundationcoach.com and detail your product or service and we’ll be in touch!

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